Travelers can cancel their booked flight ticket within 7 days from the period of their original booking then they will get a full refund.
If travelers have added other travel items with their booked tickets, then they will be affected. Items means include booked seats, additional baggage, hotel, car hire, and so on, then these will be canceled when you cancel your flight ticket.
You can cancel Qantas flights within 24 hoursonline by entering your details easily. As per the US Department of Transportation rules, those customers who purchase a ticket in the US for travel on Qantas can cancel their reservations and get a refund without charge within 24 hours of ticketing. The ticket is purchased 1 a week or more previous to the scheduled departure flight.
Qantas Airlines cancellation Procedure
You can cancel the ticket in two ways, first by visiting the online official website at, or secondly through select Qantas Airlines offices.
For choosing the first one, you have to first open the official website, then go to manage the booking section.
Then find the booking, for which you want to cancel the ticket, and then click the “Cancel” button, and follow the process to prompt cancel.
In case, if the 'Cancel' button isn’t available, then you can contact also the local Qantas office, or if your booking was made with a travel agent or another airline, then you need to contact them directly.
Qantas Airlines cancellation Fee
The flight ticket cancellation charges are not fixed and it considers the distance, duration, class, or other major factors from the passenger's flight ticket. As per the standard passengers need to pay 100 to 300 US dollars as a Qantas Airlines Cancellation Fee.
If anyone is holding the award ticket then the cancellation charges can be US$60 service fee and Qantas Points+ 5,000. Also, there is no extra fee if you change or cancel the ticket yourself on the Qantas website.
Qantas Airlines Refund Policy
The refund will get within seven to ten working days after the cancellation of the booking.
The refund will credit directly to the passenger’s bank account which was used for the same flight ticket booking.
Non-refundable ticket holders will be eligible for the refund but the refund will convert into reward points which will use for the next flight ticket reservation.